Sophia Wasylinko
The Squicky Side of the Cosmos: An Interview with Scott R. Jones
From a millenarian apocalypse cult and searching for that profound shiver, Jones gives us his insight on writing the weirdest of fiction.
What happens when you mix spousal homicide with a rabid Danny DeVito? What happens when you discover a whole universe inside your dining room chair, or when the most powerful AI in existence uploads humanity to the cloud?
Stop. I don't have time for all of your silly questions. You'll find out if you read the damn issue.
GOOEY is a rare publication that specializes in weird and funny fiction. Our directorial team is a small, eclectic group of aspiring writers, editors, and publishers who love strange and barbaric fiction. Our editorial team, however, is a much larger group who doesn’t understand, or care about, strange fiction at all. Fortunately, they have all signed blood oaths in exchange for various goods and services (mostly half-eaten sandwiches), which effectively transferred the rights to their souls in a standard copyright agreement, so they must do the directorial team’s bidding until the end of time.