Submission Guidelines
Submissions are currently closed and will reopen in February.
GOOEY publishes weird, funny, and sometimes horrific stories. If you ask yourself, “is this a GOOEY story?” and it doesn’t feel like it in your heart of hearts, send it somewhere else.
GOOEY accepts pieces of fiction from 200 - 3000 words in length. There are no submissions fees.
Payment is dependent on funding (if we have any) and is not guaranteed for this current issue. We are a new and thoroughly underfunded publication, and as fellow writers, we understand the desire to be paid for our work, but it probably won’t be possible this time around. That said, we can offer you a positive publishing experience, a firm handshake, and many thanks.
Before you submit, there are some things you should do:
Write an entertaining story.
Read our magazine to see if the story is a good fit.
Format according to the guidelines below.
Submit to
Fiction Guidelines:
The usual. 12-point Times New Roman or Garamond, double spaced, numbered pages, title headers, and indented paragraphs. Please send as a Microsoft Word .docx, or .doc.
Title the document as follows:
GOOEY. Title of Piece. Author’s Last Name.
The email should contain your name (preferred/pen name is also acceptable), the title of the piece, and your contact information.
Write in the subject header of the email that this is a submission. Otherwise, our recently rehired (on a trial basis after his social media fiasco) intern, Jeff, will mistake it for spam.
Art Guidelines:
Here at GOOEY, we love art. Send us your gorgeous, most grotesque pieces of art. Your procrastination scribbles, your digital engravings, your portraits that you hide away under canvases and dust lest viewing them rots your very soul.
Title the document as follows:
GOOEY. Art. Title of Piece. Artist’s Last Name.
All documents must be .png
Write in the subject header of the email that this is an art submission.
The email should contain your name (preferred/pen name is acceptable) the title of the piece, and your contact information.​
What part of "thoroughly underfunded" made you think we could afford a submission portal? Send your work to our email: