Gooey Mag
Palete Cleanser
Sadie exited the coffee shop and made her way across the parking lot, two cardboard cups of coffee gripped in her hands.
Gooey Mag
God Spelled Backwards is Dog
Ms. Rebecca told us that God made the world. She said, God made everything. He made all the things you love. I asked, so God made Benny?
Gooey Mag
Call Me Detective Peanut Butter
Toast was the name of Dad's rainbow scarab beetle. I say "was" because Toast was found dead on the floor of Dad's office this morning.
Henry Osborne
The Illustrious Existence of a Subway Employee
You experience unexpected side effects after being bitten by a rabid Danny DeVito. Will you still make your date with your childhood crush?
Maria Elsser
The Bracelet
A manther and a gold-digger fantasize about spousal homicide during a mountain hike.